
GEIn this world of instant gratification, it can be difficult to simply wait for anything.  There are so many things we feel we have to do and ideas about what we want to do.  Wouldn’t it be nice if they would just “POOF!” be done?

While taking pictures on the beach at Tybee Island, I tried hard to slow down, take my time, and find something to photograph.  My first though of the flat, endless and mostly empty beach was, “Shoot!  There is nothing here, and I just paid for two hours of parking.”  I began to walk and pay attention to the details of the beach.  Things began to enter my awareness and I began to snap.

The picture of the empty lifeguard chair was one of my favorites.  I crept as close as I dared, trying not to disturb the seagulls posing in front of it.  When I got within range, I sat in the sand and took several photos.  I was there for about 10 minutes.  When I felt I was done, I got to my feet and noticed a startled movement behind me.

My stillness had encouraged another seagull to sit in the sand a few feet from me.  I sat back down and took several pictures of him as well.

The lesson I take with me from this experience: sit down and enjoy the view and the shot just might come to you.


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