Surrounded by beauty


I was on my way to an engagement earlier today and the sky was so beautiful. At every red traffic light, I wanted to get out of my car and take a picture.  I even contemplated pulling over and taking a picture with my phone, but I didn’t want to chance being late, so I pressed on.

The sky got more and more gorgeous.  I readied my phone, opening the camera app so that I could take a picture quickly.  When I finally got to my destination and parked, I got out of the car and snapped.  Once.  This is the shot.  It is NOWHERE as beautiful as what I saw while driving.

Lately, everything looks like a photo opportunity to me.  I am always thinking, how could I capture this and turn it into a beautiful photograph.  The sky is always inspiring me, as are trees and water and the sun.  Most of my photos include all four.

Air, water, earth, fire.  The four elements.

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